Gourmet Food in Qinzhou

Gourmet food in Qinzhou is somewhat similar to that in Fangchenggang and Beihai, the three cities are neighboring cities and all are coastal cities. But those food may have different tastes, the Qinzhou people eat rice noodles, Zhujiaofen(猪脚粉), and seafood like oyster and prawn.

Famous Dish

oyster steamed with bean vermicelli

Oyster steamed with bean vermicelli/ 蒜茸粉丝蒸大蚝 is a dish of oyster, and it is one of the cook methods of oyster. The ingredients are oyster and bean vermicelli, and the seasoning is smash garlic. Before cooking, oyster meat cut from the shell is soaked in cooking wine, and the shell is cleaned. The second step is to cook the seasoning, and fry bean vermicelli with smash garlic, green onion, pepper, a bit of white sugar, oyster sauce, and soy sauce. Then, put oyster meat into the oyster shell and put the fried bean vermicellin on oyster meat. Last, put the oyster into a steamer and steam the oyster thoroughly.  Because of the fried bean vermicelli and seasoning, this dish smells really good, and taste delicious.

Duck braised with grapefruit's white peel

Duck braised with grapefruit's white peel/蚝油柚皮鸭 is a dish of local flavor. The first step is to prepare eatable grapefruit's white peel, and boil the white peel for about ten minutes and soak it in cold clean water to remove its bitterness. The second step is to braise the duck with fried ginger slice, smash garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, white sugar and sesame oil. The third step is to add prepared white peel and cook it with the duck. Grapefruit's white peel can absorb the duck's grease, and its fragrance is cooked into the meat, thus this dish is not greasy and tastes good.

Roasted suckling pig

Roasted suckling pig/皮片乳猪 is a local dish about pork. The cooking is roast, which would make the skin of pig crispy, and pork tender. Then is the cutting of the meat: cut the pig skin away from the meat, and wrap the mart with two pieces of pig skin. This dish is to eat with dipping sauce which is made from green onion, garlic, sugar, soybean paste, sesame paste and so on. The cooking and eating method gives this dish a special good taste.

Steamed chicken

Steamed chicken/蚝油香麻鸡  is a local dish in  Qinbei district, and the eating of this dish is to dip tender chicken meat with dipping sauce. before cooking, the chicken should be soaked in cooking wine for a period of time. The first step of making this dish is to steam a chicken thoroughly, then is to chop up the chicken into three parts-skin, meat and bone, and mix the meat and bones with sauce made from several seasoning. The last step is to put the food into a plate: chicken bones are in the bottom, then is chicken meat, and the chick skin is on the top, and put fried white sesame seed on the chicken. The sauce is made from red pepper, anise, sesame oil, soy sauce.


Fried sea snail meat

Fried sea snail meat/炒螺肉 is a popular snack in Qinzhou, and it is a must-eat in night eating markets. The ingredient are sea snail meat, and some vegetable,  and the seasoning are pepper, ginger, garlic and soy sauce. The cooking is a simple process, which is to fry the meat with vegetable and the seasoning. The cooking of fried crab is almost the same as fried sea snail meat, and they are both popular snacks to local people.

zhu jiao fen

Zhu jiao fen/猪脚粉 is a snack of rice noodles of Qinzhou flavor. Its ingredients are flat rice noodles, trotter, and vegetable. In this snack, the cooking of trotter is the most important, and it is crucial to the tastes of the snack. The cooking is from roasting,  frying  to braising, and the braising is made with seasoning which consists of pepper, ginger, cooking wine, anise, myrcia, and oyster oil. The cooking of the soup in this snack is also important, and the soup and trotter give this snack a delicious flavor.

Except this two snacks, Qinzhou has other snacks like sesame cake, tapioca cake, oyster pizza, durian cake and so on. If you are in a food street, you will know all kinds of snack.

Food Street

Qinzhou has many food streets to service its people, and Ba da chang guang food street is one of the biggest food streets. Ba da chang guang food street is located in Bad a chang guang, Xinggui road, Qinnan district, and it occupies an area of over ten thousand square meters and has over one hundred food stall.

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